Wednesday 10 February 2010

Latest pictures of Fern

Well Fern has finished her puppy training class and I have singed her up for a new class starting on Friday. This is a clicker training class so hopefully I will get on with it slightly better than the last one. Having said that Fern now has a certificate and a Rosette to be proud of.
Today she had a good brush and I took some more photos of her. She is lying on her mark waiting to be recalled back to me. I can just about get her to wait to a count of 10. but only if there are no distractions.

1 comment:

  1. fern looks a gorgeous dog she is not so small now! although Fudge is massive and looks really chunky although its all fluff. I too am in the trainging process just got her a kong and she hasnt a clue. She can dit and lay but wont stay yet ,but ill keep at it.
