Thursday 7 January 2010

Busy day

This morning saw Amber, Fern and Sam braving the snow and icy roads to go to see the vet for their second vaccination, the whole place came to a stand still while all the nurses the practice manager and the receptionist came to see the puppies and have a cuddle. They both took it all in their stride and the vet was very impressed at how laid back they where. neither of them batted an eye lid while they where actually having the injection and both of them sat nicely on the scales to be weighed,they have both put on weight while Amber has lost 50g over the last 2 weeks ,I think it must be all the running around she does while we are out walking.I took the big dogs to the river today and she had to be stopped from going in for a swim. Not only was it icy but it was flowing very fast and she would have been st the sea before I could have gotten her out.Silly dog The puppies had to make do with playing indoors today as it is still another week before they can go out.
I have been trying to upload a video and pictures all day but the system wont let me for some reason Sorry I will try again later on tonight or in the morning.

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