Saturday 2 January 2010

Christmas and New Year

Well both Christmas and New Year have been and gone!! I hope you all had a REALY GREAT time with your puppy and that they are now settling in and getting used to your routine. I have had some bad news, it seems that I am going to have to have a shoulder replacement as soon as a place comes up. This means that I have had to change my plans to keep Fern as I will be out of action for at least 3 months which just wouldn't be fair on her as she needs to get out and about as well as to training classes. I am Heart broken about this as she is such a sweetie. This means that I am now looking for a GOOD HOME for her and Sam they have both had their first jabs and the second is booked and paid for,both are well on the way to being house trained, have been out and about in the car meeting as many different people as possible. Fern is even booked into training classes starting on 4th January I will be taking her along and her new Mum or Dad can take over for the rest of the course. The classes are taking place in Tregony village hall at 7.00 on a Monday evening.

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