Wednesday 6 January 2010

Training Fern

I took Fern to training classes on Monday night it was -6 out side and not much warmer in the hall.
Fern was by far the smallest and youngest puppy their and the cutest (not only my opinion every one fell in love with her).
There where 4 collies,a rottie,a beagle,a terrier of some sort and a Golden retriever who hadn't come to classes as he hadn't had his injections.
Fern spent most of the class under the chair but did all that she was meant to when cheese and sausage where introduced!!
I took my camera but forgot to take any pictures as it was SO COLD in the hall.
We have home work to do this week so we are having to shut our selves away to practice. I am doing the same work with Sam so that he doesn't feel left out!! I may even take him to class next week.

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