Sunday 10 January 2010

Ferns rain of destruction

Sorry no new pictures today not only has Fern chewed right through BOTH the mouse and keyboard wires while I was sitting using the computer!!! /it just goes to show that you need eyes in the back of your head when you have puppies in the house. She got hold of my camera(I thought I had put it up in a safe place) and has chewed up the case rendering the camera useless. I only brought it just after the puppies where born as my old one gave up the ghost.
All of this was after I spent hours yesterday and this morning cooking her liver cake to use at training tomorrow. The whole house smells of liver and garlic!!
We have had more snow over night and I am trying to decide whether to walk the dogs now in the freezing cold and driving snow and gale force winds or wait until tomorrow, but will I be able to get the car up the road.
On a happier note Sam looks to have found his forever home in London with Georgie and her parents. She Is hopefully coming down on the train on Tuesday to collect him
I will keep you up to date letting you all know how it goes.
take care and keep warm Karen,Amber,Fern and Sam

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