Friday 15 January 2010


I made liver treats for Fern to use during training and while out walking.
Here is the recipe.
500g liver (the cheapest you can find.)
3 eggs (free range)
2 cloves of garlic.
100mil olive oil.
50-100g plain flour
1. Liquidise the liver with the oil,garlic and eggs.(including the shell)
2. Poor into a large bowl and mix in enough of the flour to form a sticky paste.
3. Poor into a GREASED shallow baking tin.
4. Put the baking tin into a bigger tin.
5. Place into a 160 oven and poor boiling water into the outer tin.
6. Cook until it is firm to the touch.
7. Turn off the oven and leave the treats in until cool.
8. Remove from the tin and cut in to VERY small pieces.(it will still be soft)
9. Place the cut treats on to a baking tray and put back into the oven on 120 until they have dried out and hardened.
10.Cool and store in the FREZZER until you need them.

While this may look like a lot of work the end result is more than worth it. You will not only save money but you will know exactly what is in the treats you are feeding your puppy. But BEST of all I haven't yet met a dog who doesn't LOVE them.

One last thing it is best to make these on a day when you can have ALL the windows and doors OPEN !!

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